Dr Ben Dhanaraj, Dr Felicity Dukes and Dr Emily Hooper offer obstetric services at Tamar O&G. We offer private obstetrics and shared private care services which is unique to our practice in Launceston.
Prior to scheduling your first antenatal appointment, please ensure that you have a valid referral from your GP or Tas IVF to help prioritise your appointment. In the event that you need complex care, additional tests or investigations, this will be organised before you are seen at our rooms.
Our antenatal patients are also seen by our Midwife. Breast feeding and parent craft advice is also available throughout your antenatal course and immediately after your baby is born.
Please note that we only offer birthing at Launceston General Hospital (LGH). Antenatal patients from the North West coast who are willing to deliver at LGH can be seen at our practice as well.