Tamar Obstetrics and Gynaecology obstetricians currently support two models of Obstetric care that we offer our patients
Fully Insured Private Patients
- You are fully insured with a private health provider including for obstetrics and any hospital inpatient admissions
- Your insurance has been active 12 months or as stipulated by your provider
- If you elect to have private Paediatric cover, this is always an option as well
- Full 24 hour care during your pregnancy, including planning the pregnancy in discussion with yourself, arranging and checking all results and investigations, including any ultrasound that has been requested
- Arranging monitoring of your pregnancy in the Birthing Suite or at the Pregnancy Assessment Unit, whether as an outpatient or inpatient
- Your obstetrician will perform your C Section if you have been electively booked for one. If you have a high risk, complex pregnancy and you need an induction of labour, your primary obstetrician will arrange for this to take place at a time when they are available and manage the care during your birthing process
- In the event that your primary obstetrician is not available (eg some weekends, public holidays, annual leave or if they are operating at St Vincent's Hospital), arrangements will be made to ensure you are seen by one of our private obstetric colleagues in the interim.
- After you have birthed your baby, your obstetrician will follow your postnatal care until you are discharged and will be available for consults and advise during the peurperium (the 6 weeks period following your baby's birth).
Uninsured Patients
If you do not have private health cover and would like the option of a consistent antenatal care, we offer a Shared Care Model (see below)
- You will have all your antenatal visits with your primary obstetrician.
- If you need after hours review, an antenatal admission or review in the outpatients clinic you will be seen by the Specialist Obstetric Registrar on call who will liaise with your obstetrician if they have any concerns.
- When you are in labour, your birthing will be assisted by the midwifery staff or Registrar. If there are any concerns, the obstetric consultant of the day will be notified.
- Postnatal care will be by the treating obstetric team on that day
- Should you require an elective C Section, we will endeavour to place you on your obstetrician's elective operating list.
- If you need any antenatal admissions, or if your baby needs paediatric inpatient care, this will be as a public patient.
- Please be assured that all relevant medical and obstetric issues that you have will be communicated to the treating team at LGH so as to ensure you are safely treated and nothing is missed.
Some patients elect to be treated as full fee paying clients. We do not encourage this model of care as the costs of antenatal admissions, paediatric and neonatal ward charges, theatre fees, cross speciality consults, blood investigations and imaging can significantly add to your final costs. In the event that you are seen by one of the other covering obstetricians in town, you will be charged their professional attendance and/or delivery fees for your baby's birth. Please discuss this with our staff if you have any queries.