Our doctors fees are set according to The Australian Medical Association (AMA) guidelines and are reviewed on an annual basis.
Tamar O&G will process your fees and forward them to Medicare to facilitate any reimbursements and payments you may be entitled to. Please ensure you have your Medicare card on the day of your visit including information on your private health cover details.
Accounts are to be paid on the day of your consult. Administrative charges may apply to late payments and cancellations.
Obstetric related fees
- An initial consultation fee is charged at your first antenatal visit
- Each subsequent antenatal visit is charged a consult fee
- A pregnancy management fee (Item 16590/16591 is is due by 28 weeks of your pregnancy and must be paid by 30 weeks of pregnancy.
- Any ultrasounds done, including a pregnancy dating scan incurs an additional fee
- Your delivery fee is charged directly to your private health insurer
Our staff will inform you of the costs involved, including any out of pocket expenses and rebates you may be entitled to. You will be required to sign an informed financial consent. Please read the information regarding our fees and charges before you sign your financial consent.
Gynaecology consults and procedures
There may be multiple item numbers in a single consultation depending on whether procedures were done at the same sitting.
- An initial consultation fee charged at your first gynaecological visit
- Subsequent follow up visits for review
- There is a charge for Colposcopy. Our staff will inform you of any out of pocket expenses
- Contraceptive procedures - Implanon and Intra uterine devices - Copper IUD, Mirena IUD
- Endometrial biopsy using a pipelle
- Pessary costs for prolapse management
- Neotonus chair referral and visits
Surgical procedures for privately insured patients
- There is an out of pocket expense paid at our Rooms when you book for your operation at St Vincent's Hospital. Please note that we cannot finalise your private surgery at St Vincent's Hospital until your out of pocket charge is paid in full.
- Patients on the public wait list for procedures at Launceston General Hospital are not charged an out of pocket fee
In addition to the above, you will need to enquire about your Anaesthetist's fees. Our staff will be happy to direct your enquiries to the relevant anaesthetic providers.