Some women suffer from persistent bleeding after intercourse. This obviously is a cause for concern and embarrassment and stops them from having sex.
If you have frequent bleeding after intercourse it is important to visit your GP and have a cervical smear test done (the new CST) done if you have never had one done before, or present for a new smear. Your GP will take a history and either do a cervical smear or refer you to see one of our Doctors.
It is important to exclude any abnormal cells on your cervix. When you present for your appointment, bring along any previous results you may have with you - old pap smears, new CST results recent gynaecological ultrasound results, swab test results etc.
Our Doctors will review your history including your menstrual history.
The best way to investigate the issue is to inspect the cervix closely with a Colposcope. There is usually no need to repeat your cervical screening test if it has been done satisfactorily by your GP. You may require a biopsy from any areas that look abnormal on your cervix.
If your CST results return normal and your biopsy is normal, you will be offered a procedure called Cervical Daithermy. This is done under general anaesthesia in the operating theatre as a day case.
Once you are asleep, antiseptic prep is used to clean the vagina and cervix. Antibiotics are administered intravenously and local anaesthetic may be injected around the cervix. A diathermy needle point (an instrument that uses electrical energy to burn tissue) is used to make contact with the cervix, gently drilling shallow holes on the surface of the cervix and burning away fragile cells that cause bleeding during intercourse. The procedure usually lasts 5-10 minutes.
At home, all you may require is simple painkillers for a mild lower abdominal cramp. This usually settles within 24 hours. You may have vaginal discharge for a couple of days including some pink vaginal loss of fluid. Wear a pad and keep an eye on the loss and call our rooms if you are bleeding heavily, experience increasing abdominal or vaginal pain, or become unwell.
Do not have intercourse for 2 weeks and refrain from using tampons or swimming for 2 weeks.
The cervix is usually examined after 4 months and should have healed well by then.
You should have the usual scheduled pap smears as per the National guidelines - speak to your GP about your next smear due date.