Tamar O&G offers full private antenatal care, or a shared care model with the Queen Victoria Outpatients Maternity Clinic at the Launceston General Hospital.
Initial Referral
We require an initial referral from your GP to entitle you to maximum Medicare rebates and Health Fund benefits.
Please visit your GP and request a referral to Dr Ben Dhanaraj, Dr Felicity Dukes for Dr Emily Hooper for your obstetric care. Your GP may organise routine bloods and advise you of the early optional prenatal testing. Your GP may also organise an ultrasound to accurately date the pregnancy. Early pregnancy ultrasounds can also be done at our Rooms.
Do not worry if these have not been organised for you. However, please ensure you have your first appointment with our doctors prior to your 10th week of pregnancy and we will discuss any necessary testing that you may need.
First Visit
At your first visit, your obstetrician will discuss your medical history, any relevant prior surgeries and review your past obstetric history. Please bring any relevant information you may have including your current medication or previous letters from other treating specialists.
A physical examination will be conducted including blood pressure and a cervical smear test if required. If you are unsure of your pregnancy dates, an internal ultrasound may be necessary to accurately date your pregnancy.
Any additional tests may be ordered at this visit. We will discuss testing for Down Syndrome including the Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) if needed. Your obstetrician may also recommend you have the tripple genetic screening test, Prepair that tests if you are a carrier for three commonly inherited genetic syndromes : Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy or Fragile X Syndrome.
Your obstetrician will review your current medications and advise you to commence on additional medications if necessary.
Follow up visits
13-15 weeks
Any prior test results, including the Down Syndrome test will be discussed at this appointment.
An information pack will be given to you at this visit. You will also see our midwife to complete paperwork required by the hospital. Any worries or concerns regarding breast feeding can be discussed at this visit.
If you have a negative blood group, forms will be completed for your Anti D injections later in the pregnancy and appointments will be arranged for these to take place.
If there are no health concerns, visits in the early stages are scheduled every 4 weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy.
You will be given a request form for a morphology ultrasound between 18-21 weeks (an ultrasound to check the development of your baby's structure and the location of the placenta). This is an important assessment.
18-26 weeks
Ultrasound results will be discussed with you. Blood pressure will be taken and your abdominal measurements taken. Routine blood tests and the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) to detect Gestational Diabetes will be ordered - these are to be done between 26-28 weeks. If you have been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, more information is available from the National Diabetes Service Scheme.
26-30 weeks
Results from your blood tests and GTT will be discussed with you. If your iron studies show low iron, you will usually be asked to start oral iron supplements and a repeat test will be done 4 weeks later.
If you have a negative blood group, the first Anti-D injection will be due at 28 weeks at Queen Victoria Outpatients Department (QVOP).
Please arrange for the whooping cough vaccine with your GP or the QVOP between 20-32 week period.
Visits after 30 weeks are usually every 2 weeks if the pregnancy is uncomplicated.
32-34 weeks
Our midwife will usually discuss preparation for birthing, what to bring into the birthing suite and options for pain relief. Breastfeeding and post-natal care will also be discussed. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have at this time.
A second dose of Anti-D will be due at 34 weeks for patients with a Rhesus negative blood group.
if you require an elective Caeserean section, a date will be organised for you during this visit.
36 weeks
Your doctor will discuss a vaginal swab screen for Group B Streptococcus (GBS). This test is simple and self-administered. Your blood pressure and position of the baby will be reviewed along with any concerns or worries you may have.
Visits from 36 weeks become weekly until delivery.
37-40 weeks
The results of your GBS swab will be discussed. If the result is positive, you will need antibiotics in labour. Your BP will be monitored and position of the baby checked. The signs and symptoms of labour will be discussed. Your doctor may offer an internal examination to assess the state of the cervix if an induction of labour is required (eg if you have pre eclampsia or gestational diabetes)
41 weeks
If labour has not occurred by 41 weeks, you will be examined to ensure that the baby is well and the placenta is functioning. This involves a bedside ultrasound to assess the fluid around your baby. The cervix will be examined to assess if your body is ready to labour. You may be asked to have fetal heart monitoring (a CTG) done at the LGH.
If you need an induction of labour, this will be discussed at length and all questions will be answered.